Buying or purchasing a business? You need to make sure you are protected. If you are buying, you need to know you are going to get the whole business and that there are no twists that are going to come back at you. When you are selling, you want to make sure you are going to be paid the full amount and that when you walk out the door for the last time that you are really finished and can move on. At Verhoeven & Curtain we have the necessary skills and experience to advise you on the purchase or sale of a business. With the help of your accountant, we can assist you with business types including companies, partnerships, and trusts.
Each party to a sale or purchase of business transaction should be independently advised by a lawyer and an accountant.
Verhoeven & Curtain can help with:
- Business structures
- Contracts
- Lease terms
- Put and Call options
- Goodwill and valuation of business assets
- Dealing with financial institutions
- Transfers of equipment licences
- Franchising agreements
- Arranging due diligence searches and inspections
- Organising and attending settlement
- Dealing with the PPSR legislation
Contact us to find out more or to arrange an appointment with Michael Curtain.